Bandwidth Gauge
13 Apr 2022What it do? Reads current internet bandwidth usage from local router and displays it on the guage with coloured background. Hard ingredients…
What it do? Reads current internet bandwidth usage from local router and displays it on the guage with coloured background. Hard ingredients…
A really quick bodge-job project that turned out better (and worse) than I expected. You pick up the lantern and it lights up! No switch or…
New console who dis? This is a handheld console for up to fifth generation gaming. There are many like it, but this is mine! Ingredients of…
Possibly my most complete electronics project? Man, I’m proud of this one. It’s actually finished, has a whole host of different hand-made…
What we chattin’, bruv? Chatting we be, about an old Russian Electronika MC6205 neon plasma dot matrix display. Easily 35 years old - that…
A compact little project with a singular purpose - a timer that resets on touch. It uses a Digispark Attiny85 with its built-in USB plug to…
What is this? A cheeky night vision quadcopter with a nice long range. After the failure of my 3D-printed frame attempt, this one is a vague…
What is this? A Quadcopter with lovingly designed and printed frame in ABS. It’s rickety AF, but a fun project nevertheless. Relatively…
What is this? Artistic PCB etching is an arcane, dark art but isn’t actually that difficult! Have a look at how I go about it. If you’re…
What is it? Real-time drawing robot. Using a SCARA arm and a web interface, it draws simultaneously to the user. This was a quick prototype…
An absolutely mind-boggling amount of code went into these devices. I’m not convinced I’d undertake anything similar again, yet I suppose I…