Professional Front End Engineer. Unprofessional tinkerer.

13 Apr 2022

What it do? Reads current internet bandwidth usage from local router and displays it on the guage with coloured background. Hard ingredients…

26 Mar 2022

All major satellites, updating live! Visit WASD and Arrow Keys to fly around. This isn’t a new concept but I…

11 Feb 2022

A really quick bodge-job project that turned out better (and worse) than I expected. You pick up the lantern and it lights up! No switch or…

27 Aug 2021

New console who dis? This is a handheld console for up to fifth generation gaming. There are many like it, but this is mine! Ingredients of…

12 Apr 2021

Possibly my most complete electronics project? Man, I’m proud of this one. It’s actually finished, has a whole host of different hand-made…

12 Apr 2021

Visit Every windmill in the UK My SO loves windmills. “Oh yeah, I like windmills too”, you’re thinking. But no…

08 Apr 2021

Why build when you can buy? My K40 laser weighs probably 25kg, then there’s the 10kg of coolant tank, plus the metal-spiked steel bed I plan…

23 Feb 2021

What we chattin’, bruv? Chatting we be, about an old Russian Electronika MC6205 neon plasma dot matrix display. Easily 35 years old - that…

21 Jan 2021

A completely original Gameboy game. Like, a literal ROM. All design, artwork and music are my own so you know, don’t judge too harshly! Play…

14 Aug 2019

Ghouls! Frickin ghouls everywhere, just my luck! Well, I best hop in this here spinning-top, blade-encrusted tank and start slashy smashin…

05 Dec 2018

A compact little project with a singular purpose - a timer that resets on touch. It uses a Digispark Attiny85 with its built-in USB plug to…

06 Sep 2018

Visit Pretty straight forward. You want some text art for a given piece of text? You got it! Instantly generated…

21 Jun 2018

What is this? A cheeky night vision quadcopter with a nice long range. After the failure of my 3D-printed frame attempt, this one is a vague…

21 Jan 2018

What is this? A Quadcopter with lovingly designed and printed frame in ABS. It’s rickety AF, but a fun project nevertheless. Relatively…

28 Sep 2017

What is this? Artistic PCB etching is an arcane, dark art but isn’t actually that difficult! Have a look at how I go about it. If you’re…

28 Jun 2017

What was it? A music event listing page for Sheffield, with map markers for upcoming gigs. Why? There weren’t any websites that list rock…

22 Mar 2017

I recently attended a taster workshop, ran by Alex McLean (@yaxu,, along with a rather diverse group of creative types…

12 Mar 2017

Summary No, you’re an oxymoron! Play now Hit space to jump! Development Built this whole Bombay Bad Boy from scratch. Never made an infinite…

02 Mar 2017

What is it? Every aspiring hacker & cyberpunk must watch these movies! A sortable, web-based version of the impressive curated list from…

21 Feb 2017

What is it? Reddit posts, live, as they happen, right now, in your face! A React based site that loads all Reddit posts as soon as they’re…

07 Feb 2017

What is it? Real-time drawing robot. Using a SCARA arm and a web interface, it draws simultaneously to the user. This was a quick prototype…

01 Feb 2017

What is it? “You are leaving Steam.” - Stop that annoying warning as we’re grown-ups, now. Warning, do not use if not yet a grown-up. Steam…

07 Dec 2016

Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Scope Creep So much potential. So much failure. Why did it happen? Scope creep, at…

08 Mar 2016

Summary You’re a dragon. WAT! Play now Development Built this demo a long time ago, 2016ish. Absolutely fantastic mechanic, if I do say so…

06 Mar 2016

Play now ​A wonderfully absurd game. Well, I say game, you literally just spin a salt seller around. I dreamt up the idea on a plane (and…

16 Sep 2015

Here is just a selection of many web projects I’ve attempted over the years. They’re only personal projects (my professional ones numbered…

10 Mar 2014

Summary Psychic babe fighting monsters in the sky, what more do you want? It’s only one level, and way too hard. Play now Development I…

11 Mar 2013

Oh boy, I’ve forgotten more projects than I can remember. Or lost in the winds of time. And the old ones that I can run are often in…

06 Mar 2013

Play now Development No idea when exactly I made this, but we’re talking 2013ish. I was eager at the time for tap-tap-revolution style…

22 Jun 2005

An absolutely mind-boggling amount of code went into these devices. I’m not convinced I’d undertake anything similar again, yet I suppose I…

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